Monday, March 14, 2011

Un mes

I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's been about a month since I've been here in Ecuador! Time has flown by so fast! Here are some pics showing what I have been up to lately:

BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT! Yes, the rumors are true -- I did go to a Backstreet Boys concert here in Quito! The boys are still together (minus Kevin), and look & sound great! The tickets were only about $30 and I had such a great time. I was singing and dancing my heart out to all of the songs & basically falling in love with the BSB all over again ;) 

This is a portrait in my room, and it's my HOST MOM (when she was younger, of course)! I know, she's gorgeous! 

One afternoon my mom came into my room with this odd-looking fruit (I forgot the name!) and told me to start snacking on it! You don't eat the brown mussel-looking seeds, but the white, fuzzy part on the outside. The texture was weird but it was very tasty!

Here are some cuy (guinea pigs) being roasted. I haven't tried them yet, but will def. do so before I leave. I'm scared, though, not gonna lie.

This is La Basilica del Voto Nacional, an old beautiful church in the historical center of Quito. 

Inside the church

Starting my adventure of climbing all of the towers of the church

View outside of one of the shorter towers

Another view of Quito from one of the church's towers

<3 Quito <3

Me & the twin towers (this reminded me of the twin towers in New York...R.I.P.)

Me & my host brother, Juan

Me with the Virgin of Quito WAY in the background.

Beautiful stain glass art

Inside the clock!

This is for you, Mom! I found this written on one of the walls of the church!

Admiring the beautiful city in which I live



I see you, Virgin!

I could stare at this city for hours...

And then the next day I went on the teleférico -- which brought me up the side of Pichincha Volcano, which is about 4,100 meters (~13,400 feet). It was very cool! 

On the way up!

I had to stop to take a picture with my llama friends!

I like how the clouds make this picture look.

Ready to explore!

I hiked about 2 hours -- didn't make it to the summit, but did make it pretty far. It started to get very cold!

The clouds started letting up & I was able to get some good pics of my fabulous city again :)

I am so blessed to be here in Ecuador. I have to keep on reminding myself about how great of an opportunity this is, and how this experience is just one big gift. I have seen and experienced so many beautiful things! I never want to take this for granted. I want to grasp every moment and enjoy the beauty of this wonderful country. ¡Gracias a Dios!

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